Aaaaaw shit my pants got huge holes and I'm in nowhere AND it's sunday 😭!
Today I plan something like 22 Kilometers or so to Cahors. It's actually a real Town with like shops and whatnot and I'll hopefully be able to get my pants problem fixed there.
At the moment I'm walking with Martin as it's qite comfortable just to talk in your mothertongue for a change and also we get along super.
I'm thinking about taking a day off in Cahors because I'm just so very tired. Like a deep fatigue that can't be helped by just a night of sleep. A tiredness of the mind, numbing me.
Or maybe I take the Train to Toulouse? That would be interesting to see too!
We had an early start and were able to use the cooler hours of the day ro make some Kilometers. Later it was HOT again and we were glad for every part who lead trough forests.
I walked with Martin all day and we had a jolly old time. It's nice to have a Hiking companion once more...
We went off Trail a bit when we saw that there was a Castle with a high end Haut-cuture Restaurant. We were looking and stinking like Hobos but tried our luck in the hopes they might serve us anyway.
And would you know it, they weren't just serving us but actually were super excited to have us and were questioning us about our Pilgrimmage and our Adventures!
I enjoyed my time there so much and we enjoyed a couple of Beers and a nice Wine before making our last Kilometers to Cahors in the Evening heat.
On out way in we were crossing a plateau and could watch stormclouds far away which was a super atmosphere and even a bit exciting at times.
We met another swiss Woman by chance and walked into Town with her as she's staying at the same Hotel as us.
Getting into the Hotel was of course a hassle but not worth repeating. It's only noteworthy that I enjoyed a nice dinner and had the luxury of a clean, big bed!
Where's the big thumb? 😏🤤🤤
How did that huge hole happen? xD I hope you got food at the castle! They shouldn't turn away hobos, as long as they can pay. Maybe seating them in a corner, away from the schikimiki people would be acceptable ;) - AJ