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  • Autorenbildflorian166

Day 50: Limogne to Vaylats

50% done!!! In days AND in Kilometers! So exciting and surreal! It is such a weird feeling to have made so much and yet to know there's just as much yet to come.

The Trail just made me the most wonderful Celebration Gift in form of a completely unexpected Dolmen. Without actually knowing the details or doing the math I declare this very point the geographical midpoint of my Journey for it seems somehow poetic 😁.

1194km bis Samtiago... I'm so happy that I made it thus far. 1200km was always one of the big steps that I really wanted to make, cpmong what may!

I'm just so tired still. Today it was hard to keep up with everyone. Don't even know how long I make today. Met a Guy from Switzerland named Martin who has an enormous backpack of 26kg(!) on his back and still makes around 30km per day. I feel awfully weak im conparision o_O...

Ah what a day! Made it to Veylats and call it a day... too hot, too tired 😬! Also I wanna treat myself after reaching the 50% point earlier.

Walked with Martin who is a very interesting man. He got a good speed but somehow I manage to keep up anyway đŸ’ȘđŸ».

Now we treat ourselves to some Beers which we certainly deserved.

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Sep 25, 2023

The beginning of Frodo's journey, I love it 😍

Sep 25, 2023
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May 29, 2023

Yayyy halfway point!! Congrats! Don't overdo it, have fun and take care! - AJ


May 27, 2023

Du musst ja eigentlich nur bis S-t.-Jean-ied-du-port, den Rest hast du ja schon gemacht. Bern there, See that und so đŸ€Ł Pass lieber etwas besser auf dich auf! Liebe GrĂŒess LJ

May 27, 2023
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Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port! Sch.... Autokorrektur!!!

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