Slept like a Baby in the Monestary. Later we had a Breakfast in a Boulangerie where the saleswoman couldn't accept that I wanted a cold slice of Pizza... what's so wrong with that! Cold Pizza is awesome at every time of the day!
Also Pizza is like Sex as in even if its bad it is still awesome.
I like Pizza is my point.
Alex finally has his Credencial (Pilgrim Passport) and we have fun collecting all the various stamps on the way. This one is in the humongous cathedral in Friburg where we were all alone and could roam as we pleased.
It's so much fun to collect them and they all tell a story to remember.
Our days become more and more routine. Getting up, Breakfast, walking, break, walking, Lunch, walking, Beer, walking, seeking a bed to sleep, Beer, Dinner, sleep, repeat. That's the Pilgrim life tough and I appreciate its simplicity.
My single grievance today is that I'm more and more forced to speak french, the closer to Geneva we come the worse it gets! Alex is a bit better but my french vocabulary is atrocious to say the least. Oh I lf I only listened in school!
I blame my mother for my bad french. She never hit me or locked me in the basement unless I learn my words. So SHE is at fault really!
We had Lunch somewhere on the Ground because we were starving and there wasn't any bench or table around. Shortly after we started again we literally went around the corner and what do we see? The most beautiful Picnic place with a hut and wooden tables and running water! Like three minutes from where we ate!!!
All in all it was a great day. Not too hot nor cold and only a few steep patches. We received quite a bit of Trailmagic or how its called here Camino Magic in the form of free drinks and cookies. They are very Pilgrim concious here in general. Maybe because of their religious background, maybe because it's a cultural thing and maybe they're just nice.
Almost makes up for their despicable Frenchness!
We put up our tents shortly before Romont. It's on a nice little river in the middle of some Trees and YES we asked for permission beforehand this time around - I had my funny run-ins with the Police twice already and I'm not hot for a third time 😬.
Guten Abend Herr Jakob,
gerne würde ich mehr von Ihren spannenden Erfahrungen lesen, aber leider sind die Blog-Einträge immer so kurz gefasst, sodass ich diese während meiner Toiletten-Pause durchlesen kann.
Für die Zukunft wünschte ich mir ein paar ausführlichere Blog-Beiträge wie z. B. Ihren Erfahrungen zum PCT und ob Sie diesen nochmals in Angriff nehmen würden, obwohl Sie den grössten Teil der Strecke nicht zu Fusse zurück gelegt habeb.
Wir lesen uns und bis bald,
Timothy Olson (Rekord PCT Läufer)
gesendet von Nicklaus iPhone
Angry Birds find ich au recht läss
Ich bin emal de PTC gloffe (eigentlich die grösschti Strecki mit em Bus gfahre), aber ich verzell glich extrem gern devo :)
I de Pfadi heiss ich imfall Tarantula
I mean, did you specifically ASK for cold pizza? Because surely, that is one of the deadly sins!
What is sleeping in a monestary like, do you just turn up and ask for a room? Do you need a reservation? Is it a "Masseschlag" or more like a hotel? - AJ